
Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from WOW SKINS for Tres Chic, {le fil casse} for The Fifty, RAWR! and [HDesign]

♥ Happy Shopping ♥ 

Head: LeLUTKA Raven Head 3.1

Skin: .WOW SKINS. /VELOUR CHANTILLY Moon skin & shape (EVO-X) @Tres Chic

Shape: my own ♥


Hair: TRUTH Valiant - Brunette

Tattoo: [HDesign] Floral XXXIV (Chest Tattoo)

Outfit: {le fil casse} Starla Bodysuit Fatpack @The Fifty

Earrings: RAWR! St Patti HUMAN FEMALE EvoX Earrings

Armlets: RAWR! St Patti Armlets

Bracelets: RAWR! St Patti Bracelets 
