Chill Out

Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from Via Fulo for Kinky Event and RAWR! for Access Event 

♥ Happy Shopping ♥ 

Head: LeLUTKA Raven Head 3.1

Skin: DeeTaleZ *SKINS - BASICPACK* lel EVOX - Hanna II - V BLUSH 

Shape: my own ♥


Hair: Wasabi // Lemongrass Hair - Blondes

Eyeshadow: = ANTHALON = Riel Eyeshadow (LEL EVO/X + BOM) FATPACK

Tattoo: BeMia. Secret garden tattoo

Outfit: Via Fulo Fleur FatPack @Kinky Event

Earrings: e.marie // Keylani Earrings - Silvers

Necklace: RAWR! Messy Necklaces @Access Event

Drinks: Hangry - Retro Coolers 
