Snowbound Grove

Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from [Din] and Tatiko for eBODY Reborn Event and SYNNERGY.TAVIS

♥ Happy Shopping ♥ 

Head: LeLUTKA Camila Head 4.0

Skin: ives. Jessica Skin - LeLUTKA Evo X - #GIFT

Shape: K!ODIO - [Natalina] - Shape LeL CAMILA 4.0 - EVO X (GIFT)


Hair: Wasabi // Hot Cocoa Hair - Blondes @Access Event

Dress: [Din] Blogger Pack Lana @eBODY Reborn Event

Tights: Tatiko - Tights#11 @eBODY Reborn Event

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL for lel Evo X Ears (female)

Earrings: Fewness - Valerie Gauged XL Earring

Coffee: hive // cold brew coffee to go v2.0 

Backdrop: SYNNERGY.TAVIS// Snowbound Grove Backdrop
