Feel the elements


today I am very very happy - I have a new PC *wohooo* now I can see mesh *happyface* But this and the next post are normal clothes. I apologize for the bad quality I have forgotten to set the picture settings -.- Hope you still like it.

Here are news from the actually Perfect Wardrobe, this round the theme are elements.

Shape: Salt and Pepper Nelly
Skin: ' Skintimate ' Kina -Special for Zombie Popcorn Brand-
Hair: >TRUTH< Andrea -  light blondes - platinum
Tattoo: Letis Tattoo MM902
Earrings: .::[NerdMonkey*Accesories] - [*Tr!bu Earrings]::.
Necklace + Ring: *Tentacio* Elements set -water- @Perfect Wardrobe
Shirt: ..:Perle Blue sweater with undershirt NEW NEW NEW
Skirt + Belt: *Tentacio* Feel the elements water  @Perfect Wardrobe
Shoes: YANAROXX { UgGGss } Boots in Purple Suede

Huggies <3
