Sexy hexy

Hey Hi Hello :D

uuuh la la... .:cheeky:. have a new sexy dress, available in red, pink and black. I really like the lace on the back..looks very hot!

Shape: .::TC::. Rica Shape
Skin: [Pink] Carnaval Skin (not available @the moment)
Hair: Action Womens Hair Sandra - Bleached  NEW
Necklace: ..:Perle Necklace Fuck:..
Braceletts: -Gitchee- Wristlet Skully NEW NEW NEW
Nails: [Mad Echo] - Bloody Hell Nails @Fancy Hall - only 10 L -
Dress: .:cheeky:. lace Dress! NEW NEW NEW
Shoes: [AL] Cuff Deco Stiletto Black - only 10 L -

Huggies Debbie <3
