Lady Chess!

Halluuu fancys,

news from .::C.C. Kre-ations::.
ღღღ  Take a look and enjoy ღღღ 


Skin: .Birdy. Dreamer Skin - Pure - Exclusive @Secret Affair
Shape: my own ღ

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Snow -  light blondes

Hat: .::C.C. Kre-ations::.  {Checkmate ~ tophat} @ A6D
Collar: .::C.C. Kre-ations::. {Checkmate ~ bowtie}

INFO: The first exclusive (the hat) is @ A6D sim and buying it you will get a HUd that will give you a 50% off discount on the second exclusive (the bowtie) that is located @ the mainstore!
