Halluuu fancys,
news from Black Haus and !IT! for Designer Circle, : ::. Precious Angel .::, Pin*Up and an easter gift from #CRANKED#
♥ Take a look and enjoy ♥
Head & Skin: Genesis _Head_Nicole_2.0
Skin: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:ALSOU:. - / January \ - SKIN
Shape: my own ♥
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hair: !Oleander ~ Chanel v2. Natural Tones
Body: BLACK HAUS - Stacy Body Black @Designer Circle 126th
Tattoo: [PU] Antigone Tattoo
Necklace: !IT! - Boon Necklace 1 @Designer Circle 126th
Hair: [LCKY] Meredith // Fatpack @The Kawaii Project
Lingerie: BLACK HAUS - Bunny Lingerie Pink @Designer Circle 126th
Ears: #CRANKED# Gift Easter2016 Ears
Little Bunny: ::. Precious Angel .:: Fluffy Angel - Lil Pure - Hold
Ohhh sexy-cute, truly adorable! ♥♥♥