
Halluuu fancys,

news from [[ Masoom ]] for Cosmopolitan Event, Legal Insanity for Tres Chic, :::ChicChica::: for The Liaison Collaborative and [isuka] for Dark Style Fair
♥ Take a look and enjoy ♥

Head: CATWA HEAD Catya (Bento)
Skin: *YS&YS* Khaly Applier for Catwa
Shape: my own ♥
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hair: TRUTH Montana - Selection

Top: [[ Masoom ]] Alice top @ Cosmopolitan Event
Pants: Legal Insanity - Ellie lace jeans FATPACK @Tres Chic

Cat: JIAN Feline Frights 5. Black Companion @The Epiphany 
Latte + Crossaint: :::ChicChica::: Croissant @The Liaison Collaborative

Backdrop: [ isuka ] dia de los muertos backdrop @The Dark Style Fair
