
Halluuu fancys,

news from [Serenity], GAS, .ARISE. for Shiny Shabby and .::Supernatural::. for Season of the Witch
♥ Take a look and enjoy ♥

Head: CATWA HEAD Catya (Bento)
Skin: *YS&YS* Khaly Applier for Catwa
Shape: [Serenity] Trish Bento Shape
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hair: Doe: Smitty (solid) - Blondes

Shirt: GAS [Ladies Shirt Clara - 12 Colors w/HUD FATPACK]

Lashes: .ARISE. Miki Lashes @Shiny Shabby
Jewellry: .::Supernatural::. Ravena @Season of the Witch
