Forest Tales

Halluuu fancys,

news from Blossom&Seeds for uber, The Bearded Guy for Swank Events, Yokai for The Epiphany and .::Supernatural::.
♥ Take a look and happy shopping ♥

Head: CATWA HEAD Catya (Bento)
Skin: L'Etre Skin Shop - Adachi Skin [Sandy Tone] CATWA
Shape: my own ♥
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Hair: #3 {Limerence} Darcy hair-Reds @The Epiphany

Make Up: ~Shiny Stuffs~ Kpop Your Face! CATWA appliers 

Outfit: Blossom&Seeds Sam Fatpack @uber

Choker: e.marie // Mel Choker - Babe
Necklace: .::Supernatural::. Betina Necklace Fatpack

Deers and Crown: YOKAI - Forest Tales GACHA @The Epiphany
Backdrop: The Bearded Guy - The Protector - Wild Season @Swank Events
