Hidden Treasure

Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from Look At Me for Equal10, B(u)Y ME for eBento, The Bearded Guy and ::R.Bento::

♥ Happy Shopping ♥

Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head

Skin: Pepe Skins - Lelu X / Milko V2 / Moonbeam

Shape: my own ♥


Hair: DOUX Ava hairstyle [DELUXE HUD]

Tattoo: ::R.Bento:: Roses TAT Metallic series- BOM

Outfit: Look At Me. Renisa : FATPACK @Equal10

Boobs Add-On: REBORN - Juicy Boobs

Earrings: e.marie // Leyla Earrings - Golds

Bracelet: RAWR! Innocence Bracelets

Backdrop: Hidden Treasure Backdrop - The Bearded Guy

Pose: B(u)Y ME: Statement . Poseset. SF . @eBento
