
Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from :[Petrichor&ERSCH]: for Engine Room

♥ Happy Shopping ♥

Head: LeLUTKA Head Raven

Skin: [avarosa] Raven LeL EVO X

Shape: [RAIRE] Holly Shape - LeLUTKA Raven Head


Hair: [Yomi] Morrigan Hair

Full Make Up: = ANTHALON = Queenie Set

Outfit: :[Petrichor&ERSCH]:- Verayne @Engine Room

Earrings: e.marie // Veronica Earrings - Golds

Goggles + Squirrels: !Ohmai : Steampunk Light Squirrel

Backdrop: Golden Gears - Immortal Dreams  - The Bearded Guy

Pose: OMY Ashante 4 
