
Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from Exile for Hair Fair, [NORUSH] for The Kawaii Project, PUMEC and a gift from eerie.

♥ Happy Shopping ♥

Head: LeLUTKA Raven Head

Skin+Freckles: ---- PUMEC - ALLA (LELU EVO X) - Fatpack (Velour)

Shape: my own ♥


Hair: Exile - Tatiana @Hair Fair

Moles: eerie . Heart Moles [lel EVOX] GIFT @Darkness Monthly

Earrings: e.marie // Mimi Earrings - Golds

Septum Piercing: [NORUSH] Heart Septum @The Kawaii Project

Choker: e.marie // Mel Choker - Babe 
