Spooky but Cute

Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from S H I M M for DollHolic, BLUSH for Kawaii Project and Fewness

♥ Happy Shopping ♥

Head: LeLUTKA Raven Head

Skin: tres beau x lelutka evox - eun-bi skin (2.3)

Shape: my own ♥


Hair: DOUX - Giggle hairstyle [BLOGGER PACK]

Eyes: S H I M M  /  Eyes Applier / CCXXV SET I @DollHolic 

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL for lel Evo X Ears (female)

Earrings: Fewness - Witch's Cauldron Gauged XL Earring

Pacifier: BLUSH - Pacifier BBG Kawaii - Spooky Ghost Animesh @The Kawaii Project

- ANIMESH and BENTO kawaii pacifier !

- 4 animations for the animesh.

- Or Version resizable non animesh.

- Text applier to change the text.

- Gloss, Glow & Highlight option.

- 2 Modes, up or down, with a switch button on

the hud. String is hidable
