Halluuu my sexies,
here we have a news from VAKI~KVAKI for Cosmopolitan Event and B(u)Y ME for Tres Chic
♥ Happy Shopping ♥
Head: LeLUTKA Camila Head 4.0
Skin: ives. Jessica Skin - LeLUTKA Evo X - #GIFT
Shape: K!ODIO - [Natalina] - Shape LeL CAMILA 4.0 - EVO X (GIFT)
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Daigo - Naturals promo
Eyebrows: [SB] Brows: Clara, Soft Arch, ESSENTIALS (EvoX)
Eyeliner: Malina - Mell eyeliners / Lelutka EVO X / BOM
Shimmer: [Belantti] Shimmers
Lipstick: TOP1SALON - HD NATALUXE LIPSTICK (Lelutka Evolution)
Tattoo: BeMia. Kimiko tattoo
Outfit: VAKI~KVAKI *Grace* @Cosmopolitan Event
Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Dropped for lel Evo X Ears (f)
Earrings: A*S BASILIK_^^Swallow^^Dropped Ears_gold_
Necklace: RAWR! Gothic Necklace
Rings: RAWR! Affluent Rings
Pose with bag: B(u)Y ME: Valentines Gala . SF . @Tres Chic
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