Why So Obsessed ?

Halluuu my sexies,

here we have a news from RAWR! for Cupid´s Fault and * Eva Store *

♥ Happy Shopping ♥ 

Head: LeLUTKA Camila Head 4.0

Skin: ives. Jessica Skin - LeLUTKA Evo X - #GIFT

Shape: K!ODIO - [Natalina] - Shape LeL CAMILA 4.0 - EVO X (GIFT)


Hair: Wasabi // Kaja Hair - Brunettes

Eyebrows: [SB] Brows: Clara, Soft Arch, ESSENTIALS (EvoX)

Eyeshadow: Bellinha Eyeshadows. Mansa~

Tattoo: BeMia. Jazzie tattoo

T-Shirt: * Eva Store * Gloria T-Shirt [Fatpack]

Pantie: * Eva Store * Gloria Pantie [Fatpack]

Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL for lel Evo X Ears (female)

Earrings: FaeTal - Ear 76V2 - Swallow S, XL & Pixie Female

Bracelets: RAWR! Pulsar Bracelets

Adornments: RAWR! Heart Queen Hand Adornments @Cupid´s Fault

Nails: RAWR! Heart Queen Nails @Cupid´s Fault

Bellychain: RAWR! Pulsar Bellychain 
